Armstrong Millworks is a full-service supplier of milled and
shaped wood products made from all domestic hardwoods, as well as around
20 exotic woods. The stock is received rough sawn and can be jointed,
planed and sanded to your specific needs. 
We have an extensive line of moldings made in-house in any required
domestic hardwoods. See our molding page with over 1600 molding patterns
available. If you
don't find what you need contact us and we can have a set of knives made
to match your existing molding.

A large stock of cuts, or shorts
left from custom
work for customers is
always available at very reasonable prices
Check out our Videos with Wolverine Boots and Apparel:
Labor Pricing has changed: Effective January 2019
Planing: $12 minimum/$100 per man hr (our matl.),
-----------$15 minimum/$120 per man hr (slabs/cust. matl.)
Sanding: $20 minimum/$100 per man hr (our matl.),
-----------$25 minimum/$120 per man hr (slabs/cust. matl.)
Resawing: $20 minimum/$100 per man hr (our matl.),
-----------$25 minimum/$120 per man hr (slabs/cust. matl.)
Hard to Find Pieces:
4/4 Bolivian Rosewood, 4/4 Honduras Rosewood, and Bocote.
4/4 and 8/4 Sapele IN STOCK
NEW TURNING PCS - 2 X 2 - Bocote, Goncalo Alves, Black Palm, Red Palm, Bloodwood, etc.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We will be CLOSED December 23, 2023 - January 2, 2024. May the peace of God be with you this Christmas season.
Update as of November 2022 We will be continuing our business hours as Monday through Friday, 1pm - 5pm, and Saturday mornings 8am - 12pm. The shop, warehouse and barn will be open for picking our lumber, planing and sanding. Please remember to give others the space needed, not knowing others situations.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag, of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ...
ONE nation, under GOD...
God Bless America and ALL those who have served for our country.
Always in our thoughts - Howard W. Armstrong May 19, 1924 - August 16, 2015.
***We accept cash or check for payment***